I’ve been trying to gain a green thumb. I am really excited about growling organic vegetables in containers. I’m a newbie at this, so I figured container gardening would be a good start.
I guess it all started when I went to target, and found some potting mix on clearance  and it just peaked my interest.
I ordered some seeds on Etsy, that are organic and non-gmo, and on etsy, they have wonderful choices. I got all different kinds of vegetables to try, as well as herbs.
I got basil, rosemary, dill, thyme, chives, sweet marjoram.
As for my vegetable seeds, I have broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, kale, cauliflower, spinach, tomatoes, lettuce, zucchini, and bell peppers. Later this summer, I’ll be starting cantaloupe, and pumpkins.
And as for flowers, I started marigold, and lavender.
I bought these awesome elevated planters online on sale, so starting my garden just  seemed right.
My lettuce is coming up beautifully, and my kale seems to be doing well. I must admit, that I’m a little impatient, because I want them to sprout up already:/
The cauliflower seems to be holding up.
These are my spinach, which has just arrived.
Once they sprout a bit more, I can transplant them into the planter. Right now some are growing in cups, or seed starter kits.
I know that it will take some time, and trying to get things right. I just need to get the watering ratio down. I tend to overwater, and I’m trying to find the right balance. I’m sure that after some trial and error, I will become a true gardener.
I love the idea of having a little garden space. I’m not looking to big crops or enter in any garden competitions or anything. Not yet anyway. I’m just trying to start with a few plants of each kind and see if I can grow something to harvest. I tell you though, it’s not as easy as it may look.
My kale is starting something!
I can’t wait to cook up some marinara sauce, using my own peppers, tomatoes and basil. And by feeding my family organic vegetables, I know that I will be doing something right.
I will be cooking a lot with my cabbage and kale once it comes to harvest, and I might even start more once I get the hang of it. It will be so rewarding to know that I grew my own organic food. And this is the way to go.
Have you grown anything lately? I’d love some tips and advice for a newbie like me:)

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